Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Team Release Options!

There are new options available for team release of content in ANGEL. This will be most useful if you have an exam (or other content item) that you would like to have different settings for different students. An example might be a makeup exam for one or more students (different dates available), or an exam for a student requiring extra time (different time limit), or an assignment that is available to only students who have completed the assignment.

Here is a quick step-by-step:
1. Create a team that will have the special settings (teams are created on the Manage tab)
2. Lessons, Settings link for the content item
3. Access tab for the content item
4. Click the team name to open the Over ride settings window
5. Check only the categories you want to over ride
6. Be sure to set ALL the option in the category you have selected
7. Save

A * next to the team name indicated there are special settings for anyone in that team. Add more members to the team from the Manage, Team page. Alternatively, you might be interested in learning to create an agent that auto enrolls students in teams based what they do in your course.